Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Get a Grip On Your Game

More precisely the title of this should be to get the 'Right Grip' and that means get one that is specifically correct for you.

You can't expect the grip on your golf club to be the optimum size for both you and someone else with bigger or smaller hands.

How can the grip on the golf clubs of a large man be the right size for both him and that tiny old lady playing alongside him?

What is right for her will probably be too small for him and a grip that is too small will make him tend to hold the club too tight.

Instantly there will be a problem with his swing if he is holding too tight.
Just changing the grip to a bigger one can alter a game dramatically.

Your hands are your link to the golf clubs and everything that goes on below that point.
Your contact point with the clubs needs to be correct if you are expected to play well.

Don't be satisfied with the grips that the manufacturers supply, as they will offer a standard size to suit the majority of buyers.

You need to go one step further and find a grip that will allow you to control the club comfortably without having to hold it so hard that your game suffers.

A slippery grip will force you to hold too tight and that is something you don't want to contend with while you are playing.
Get grips for your clubs that are not only suited in size but also in the type of materials used as this can determine how tight you will hold them.

In addition to this, you need to warm up your wrists before play to ensure they are relaxed and ready for action.
Performing a few simple warm up exercises of rolling your wrist while holding your club lightly will help to reduce the possibility of injury.


martina13 said...

A comfortable grip is considered a functional grip for a perfect swing. New golfers struggle with their particular influence. Based on their dominant hand, the club should be placed in the palm of your opposite hand. It should be a little loose in his hands. You must put pressure on the heels of your hands at the same time.

Golf shop

Unknown said...

I think as beginner right grip is one of the most important thing you need to look for because right grip plays key role in your prefect swing.
golf holidays